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Cartoon Caricature Masterclass - Skillshare
 Learn how to draw caricatures


Learn to draw the face everybody wants, but is afraid to get!  

a fun caricature drawing Class by Caricature Artist Henri Goldsmann

Have you ever wished you can draw a caricature like a Pro and how they

do it?
Sign up for the
Skillshare Cartoon Caricature Masterclass 2.0!

First, I teach you the basics of caricature. How to look, and quickly execute a sketch and establish 
a strong caricature design. 
Then, I show you how the inking is done, as well as the clean-up.
Finally, I teach you how to color the caricature in a quick and effective way.
By the time we are done, I have taught you how to design a hilarious cartoon caricature
whether it be with a massive nose, buck teeth, bagpipe chin.. or even a super G ski-nose!


Sign up for the Skillshare Cartoon Caricature Masterclass by Henri Goldsmann




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Or order your own caricature here

for further information, Contact Henri by email or use the contact form
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